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X-Men #122$45.00 CAD
Uncanny X-Men #221 CGC 9.0$85.00 CAD
Amazing Spider-Man #327 CGC 9.6$75.00 CAD
Star Wars Darth Vader (2015) #003$65.00 CAD
Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #002$100.00 CAD
Incredible Hulk #102$75.00 CAD
X-Force #002 CGC 9.6$50.00 CAD
Saga #001 CGC 9.8$450.00 CAD
Avengers #014$90.00 CAD
Fantastic Four Annual #003 CDN$45.00 CAD
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #001$40.00 CAD
Marvel Team-Up #141 CPV$100.00 CAD
Avengers #067 CBCS 7.0$115.00 CAD
Uncanny X-Men #221$65.00 CAD
Uncanny X-Men #168 CPV$40.00 CAD
Aliens (1988) #001$100.00 CAD
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #008$175.00 CAD
Batman #426$50.00 CAD
Batman #427$40.00 CAD
Star Wars Legacy (2006) #001 Newsstand$30.00 CAD
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